If you are a British Horse Society member you may have seen us in the BHS Members’ Magazine for September 2020, page 67!
The actions and reactions in the galleries below say it all!
If you would like to learn more about our courses or get involved, check our website or contact your nearest instructor under the ‘Training’ heading on this web site and ask for a booking form for their next course.
If you are a horse owner, learning Equine Touch is a wonderful skill to have at your finger tips. Because the technique has an impact on more than just the physical side of things, many students find the connection with their horses changes forever! Should you attend the Foundation training course and choose to go no further you will have everything you need to make a difference to your own horse as it is having the good skills from this level that is essential for all our practitioners. Never money wasted!
The series of photos below come from recent courses and events in Lincolnshire, Essex, Berwickshire and Oxfordshire.
Read all about the event held in Berwickshire on Tweed by clicking HERE
The next series of photos come from courses in Netherlands, Germany and Czech Republic.
Practitioner Training Courses
Although lockdown may have limited and even delayed the practical training for those students registered on the Equine Touch Practitioner Route, many have continued to work hard to maintain their skills by doing sessions on their own horses when riding was out of the question. Doing research and completing the theory sections has also helped to maintain their focus on the educational side of the training.
Congratulations to the following students who, since March 2020, have achieved success by completing one of the three levels needed to reach Practitioner status.
Alison Ball; Amanda Cunliffe; Heidi Freeguard; Carlin Clarke and Vicky Thompson
Nicky Studd; Annette Dick and Jane Hopkins
If you are interested in learning more about the Equine Touch Educational Training Route, contact Admin Coordinator, ukcentretheequinetouch@gmail.com