An Amazing Equine Touch Connection in More Ways than One

by Veronika Kratochvilova, Equine Touch Instructor & Practitioner, Czech Republic

I would like to share about my new client - one of the biggest race yard in Czech. I was asked to work on three horses that were supposed to run Derby in June. The first visit the horses were lovely and responded so well to Basic Body Balance (BBB) - all 3 year old babies. The trainer looked a bit skeptical and he even said so. 2nd visit, a week later, there were 4 horses and again great feedback. I discussed with the trainer that tightness in the forelegs of one mare could be connected to the cribbing collar and I showed him the atlas and muscles that were tight.

He asked me to work on him. Called me the next day saying that he could not believe it. He was unable to sleep all night, although the pains he had been living with for ages were gone. He said he hadn´t felt so good for ages and that he could not wait for the next visit. He also said he wondered if the horses feel it the same way. Third visit - 8 horses - and when I came to the stable, there were no cribbing collars!

The change in one of the stallions was unbelievable! He was so tight, scared and didn´t want to be touched the first time. This time, his eyes were completely different! I had the riders telling me how the horses changed and that they seem so much happier. I worked on the trainer again and his son, who now wants me to work with all his horses (that is 60!!). His wife is coming on my next class.

The son gave me a book that was published about him... and in the first chapter it mentions Cipisek who was his father’s horse and the first race horse he ever rode!! When I told him that it was the first horse to receive ET in Czech (1998) and the reason for ET classes, he could not believe it. (See Cipisek with Jock below). I now go there regularly, work with horses, trainer, sometime jockey... and they have changed my mind about racing. I do believe now that you can do it with love and with horses in mind.

I have many photos of yawning race horses and feel truly grateful for being able to learn the magic of Equine Touch.

Czech Horses Yawning3.jpg

A huge thank you to all who have taught me, especially Lyn Palmer and Jo Fernandes and to Ivana Ruddock-Lange for trusting me to pass the gift to our students.


If you would like to find out about or book courses in the Czech Republic with Veronika, you can contact her by email

The Kiss - Jock with Cipisek 1998

The Kiss - Jock with Cipisek 1998

History of The Kiss

CIPISEK was the most famous horse in the Czech Republic. The National Steeplechase Champion had taken a serious fall three months earlier. Since then he had been stable bound due to severe pain and had defied all treatments. Putting him to sleep was now being considered, but as a last resort Jock was called in. Within minutes of the work being completed vets reported the pain spiral had reduced and a relaxed Cipisek was then able to leave the stalls and walk around the yard. (1998)

“ET at its Miracle-Working Best” by Judith Halstead

I took one look at the old horse I was to work on and my heart sank.  He stood like one of those circus elephants on a little podium, with his feet nearly touching and for most of the time his head was just about eighteen inches off the ground. He had back legs that were absolutely straight – no flexion at the hock and a large lump on his back in the lumbar/sacral region.

Figure 1.jpg

Figure 1 before and after stance

My husband had recommended me to the owner (thanks Jim) and she seemed to have such high hopes. My instinct was to depress her expectations - after all, I thought, there’s only so much I can do, but I just said I’d see if I could make him more comfortable.

I didn’t intend to do much more than a basic body balance on that first session. He’d done lots of processing, lots of shuffling round with his feet and at the end of it looked much more relaxed with a softer outline on his back. I was happy with that. But he wasn’t.

Figure 2.jpg

Figure 2 before and after left back

While I was observing him he moved his back end round till he was touching me. Thinking he was just trying to turn round, I moved away, but he shuffled round and backed up to me again.  So I took the hint and did some work on his hindquarters. Then he zoned out and I wrote up my notes. When I looked at him again I was quite amazed at what I saw. I looked at his owner and she was looking at him with tears streaming down her face.

Figure 3.jpg

Figure 3 after his 3rd session

After his third session he is not all that far off standing square and his head is no longer down at knee level.

Figure 4.jpg

Figure 4 before and after right back

He is now pottering about quite happily out in the field and his quality of life has improved enormously.

ET at its miracle-working best.  Thanks Jock.


Taz is owned by the lovely Cathy Smith. After being used as a demo horse at an Intelligent Horsemanship clinic, a lot of issues were revealed and Cathy learnt ET in order to help Taz become much more comfortable in his body.

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This is a report from Equine Touch student Lauren Moss. As part of Equine Touch training, all students complete over 120 hours of hands on time on horses perfecting their technique through a series of case studies. This particular horse, Rosie, benefited greatly from Equine Touch and we also include comments from her owner, Karen.

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